Water Service
Material Inventory Portal

Though lead piping was once widely utilized for the installation of water services throughout the Chicagoland area, it has since been determined that lead piping can pose significant health impacts. For more information on lead in water, please visit the Village website at https://www.lincolnwoodil.org/.

As a result, the Village of Lincolnwood has begun taking steps to remove all lead piping water services in the coming years. To support this effort and to ensure the Village’s information database is accurate, Property Owners/Tenants are strongly encouraged to respond to this Water Service Material Inventory.

Are you a:(Required)

Please take a photo approximately 10’ away from wall/floor where the service enters the building.

Water Service Interior Photo #1 Sample:

Please take a photo approximately 2’ away from wall/floor where the service enters the building.

Water Service Interior Photo #2 Sample: